Watch this video to learn about our #Electromobility division.

Vea este vídeo para conocer nuestra división de #Electromovilidad.

Safely control of energy management and charging in electric vehicles.Expertise in xEVs systems and dedicated world class Software & High Voltage Labs. ... Devamını gör Daha az

Taking your ideas to market. World Intellectual Property Day.

Every April 26, the Word International Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day to learn about the role that intellectual property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity.

Each year the WIPO chooses a theme on which to focus the different activities to be carried out throughout the day. This year, the chosen theme could not seem more in line with our reality, with our day-to-day work in the company “Taking your ideas to market”.

Every business starts with an idea. When nurtured and enriched with ingenuity, know-how and flair an idea becomes an IP asset that can drive business development, economic recovery and human progress.

At a time when the imperative of economic recovery is high, World Intellectual Property Day 2021 shines a light on the critical role of the companies in the economy and how they can use IP rights to build stronger, more competitive and resilient businesses.

Patent’s statistics 2021.

International patent applications via WIPO, which is one of the widely used metrics for measuring innovative activity, in 2020 continued to grow amid the COVID-19 pandemic’s vast human and economic toll, with leading users China and the U.S. each marking annual growth in filings.

FICOSA on the market.

As a company focused on the generation of technology in different sectors, but especially in the automotive one, FICOSA presents itself in the market as one of the references in Spain when it comes to detecting, protecting, valuing and commercializing its intangible assets, among which Patents stand out.

The creation of internal processes for the generation of knowledge, its detection and its protection as a patent has allowed the company to take its ideas to the market (following the theme chosen by WIPO) in a strategic and safe way, obtaining a clear competitive advantage in the market.

If we analyze the last five years (2016-2020), FICOSA in Spain has filed a total of 77 inventions at EPO, placing it among the list of the top 10 Spanish applicants for European Patent applications.

It is important when performing this type of analysis to do it in turn in terms of technology. We can affirm that FICOSA is ranked number one in the automotive field in Spain.

Currently, FICOSA International has a portfolio of 753 patents and 291 family inventions.

Ficosa's first patent for an automotive device dates back to 1955. The protection of technology has always been one of the company's priorities and an example of this is that all our engineers are currently developing new knowledge in areas such as electroMobility, safety and sustainability among others.

We are generating the ideas that will be part of the market in the future. Today more than ever, from the idea to market.
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At Ficosa we celebrate World Water Day with different initiatives to raise awareness about the responsible use of water at our plants in Spain, Italy, Morocco, Poland and Turkey. Thanks to initiatives like this, in 2020 we achieved a global reduction of 20% in water consumption and that 100% of irrigation water at our headquarters in Viladecavalls, is recycled water. This is our way to contribute with SDG 6 #WorldWaterDay #Water2me ... Devamını gör Daha az

En Ficosa celebramos el Día Mundial del Agua con diferentes iniciativas para concienciar sobre el uso responsable del agua en nuestras plantas de España, Italia, Marruecos, Polonia y Turquía. Gracias a iniciativas como esta, en 2020 logramos una reducción global del 20% en el consumo de agua y que el 100% del agua de riego en nuestra sede de Viladecavalls, sea agua reciclada. Esta es nuestra forma de contribuir con el ODS 6 #WorldWaterDay #Water2me ... Devamını gör Daha az

On March 11, 1949, the foundations were laid for what is now FICOSA International.
This year marks the 72th anniversary of the foundation of the first company that originated the entire conglomerate of companies that make up the Spanish multinational FICOSA International.
All these years of work and effort, which began in a small workshop in the city of Barcelona, have led to form an industrial group with presence in 17 countries on four continents and a team of more than 9,000 people.


El 11 de marzo de 1949 se pusieron los cimientos de lo que hoy es FICOSA International.
Este año se cumple el 72 aniversario de la fundación de la primera empresa que dio origen a todo el conglomerado de empresas que conforman la multinacional española FICOSA Internacional.
Todos estos años de trabajo y esfuerzo, que comenzaron en un pequeño taller de la ciudad de Barcelona, han llevado a formar un grupo industrial con presencia en 17 países de cuatro continentes y un equipo de más de 9.000 personas.
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Celebrating Women's day in Ficosa China #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2021

Ficosa Internatıonal Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

International Women's Day - Monday, 8 March 2021
We want to pay tribute to ALL WOMEN by sharing with you this video on the history of women's right

Ficosa Internatıonal Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Ficosa #emobility has several R&Dprojects, some of them are related to improving the technology that's being currently manufactured, but others are related to the future demands of market for instance, in charge faster or even being able to have smarter battery management system. ... Devamını gör Daha az

"In Ficosa eMobility we are offering to our customers the appropriate technical challenge with the appropriate cost, on time for the projects needs that we have in front of us". Jordi Mestre, Product Engineering Director of Ficosa's eMobility #emobility #ElectricCar #electriccars #ElectricVehicles #EV #BMS #battery ... Devamını gör Daha az

FICOSA, within the framework of the SuaaVe Project
@SUaaVE_project, renews itself in the field of vehicle test design adapting to the new normality by taking the maximum measures and generating a "COVID COMPLIANT" environment.

FICOSA, within the framework of the SuaaVe Project, renews itself in the field of vehicle test design adapting to the new normality by taking the maximum measures and generating a “COVID COMPLIANT” environment. Due to the worldwide state of alarm, many projects have been affected by the measures...
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