Şirketimizin temelleri 1975 yılında kurulan Ertuğrul Körüstan makina yedek parça San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Firmasına dayanmaktadır. Kuruluşundan bu yana ...
ARGE’yi bir yaşam tarzı olarak benimsemiş olan Teracity; 2015 yılından beri 5746 sayılı kanun kapsamında, Bilim Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığının de...
Nous sommes en mesure d’adapter une ligne de production existante à de nouveaux paramètres, tout en améliorant son efficacité, sa sécurité et sa fi...
The Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI) is the UK's leading automotive trade body, representing franchised car and commercial vehicle dealers, i...
The IAAF started trading in 1930 as Motor Factors Association. The IAAF is the only trade association that lobbies on behalf of the independent aut...
Η λέξη αμορτισέρ προέρχεται από τη λατινική λέξη admortire που σημαίνει "να αμβλύνει", "να απορροφά". Το αμορτισέρ είναι ένα μηχανικό εξάρτημα, σχε...
Tecma’s flexible business solutions enable manufacturers to configure their shelter maquiladora operations in ways that will best serve to optimize...
Historia MAINCASA 33 años de experiencia en el Mercado Industrial. Tenemos el PODER de hacer crecer tu Empresa con nuestras 5 Unidades Estratégicas...
Peter Staines Refrigeration Limited are the UK’s leading specialist for electric transport refrigeration equipment.We offer dedicated engineering s...
Plus de 50 ans d'expertise techniqueUne couverture nationaleDes plateformes régionales de distributionDes experts proches de chez vousUne organisat...
Tenneco’s history as a stand-alone entity began in 1999, when the current company emerged from a conglomerate formerly consisting of six businesses...
RECAMBIOS, REPUESTOS Y ACCESORIOS DE VEHÍCULOS, DESDE 1961.Grupo Seamo es un grupo de empresas dedicadas desde hace más de 50 años a la comercializ...